One Eighty Coffee

Weekend dua minggu lalu aku dan suami pulang ke Bandung. Nggak seperti biasa, kami pulang ke Bandung menggunakan kereta. Biasanya kami bawa mobil sendiri, tapi karena mempertimbangkan kemacetan jalan dan kondisi aku, sepertinya nggak sanggup kalau harus bawa mobil sendiri.

Biasanya kami menyempatkan waktu keluar untuk menikmati Bandung, sekedar untuk makan atau jalan-jalan. Kemarin kami searching tempat nyamil cantik dan menemukan satu cafe “One Eighty Coffee”. Lokasinya di dekat ITB.

Awalnya bingung mau kemana, coba cari-cari tempat yang sekiranya nggak terlalu macet (maklum sekarang Bandung kalau weekend padat merayap) lalu ketemu cafe ini. Tertarik karena konsep dan interior cafenya.

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Yang bikin menarik dari cafe ini adalah mereka punya spot kursi di atas kolam. Jadi pengunjung bakalan duduk diatas kursi yang disusun di dalam kolam, kaki kita tercelup di dalam air. Sayang waktu kesana saat hujan jadi nggak bisa coba masuk ke kolam.


Sampai disana kami langsung melihat menu. Ada macam-macam makanan yang disajikan, seperti kebanyakan cafe shop. Minuman andalan yang berbau kopi dan makanan gaya Eropa seperti pasta dan pizza. Untuk harga termasuk affordable.  Akhirnya kami memesan Small Quatro Carnivore Pizza, Superb French Fries, Lychee and Peach, dan Ice Chocolate. Awalnya aku pikir pesanan yang keluar akan seperti cafe lain, porsinya cukup untuk satu orang, tapi ternyata salah. Waktu pesanan datang, porsinya lumayan besar dan rasanya nggak bohong.


Rasanya puas banget makan disana. Bisa jadi rekomendasi tempat berakhir pekan bareng keluarga atau sekedar nyemil bersama teman. Oh ya, disana juga ada live music di jam malam, jadi yang pengen makan malam romantis bisa datang waktu weekend malam.


One Eighty Coffee

Jl. Ganeca No.3, Lb. Siliwangi, Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132

A New Stage

Finally I’m back. After such a drama to recovered my password. Actually I want to share a lot of story, but I’ll write slowly so there’s no overload story.

First, I’ll tell about my new status. my new world, and my new person. Yes, that’s about my new role as a wife and I’d already married for 8 months.

Let’s know my husband, call him Ray. He’s my colleague. We’re in the same division 🙂 Everything happened so fast, we don’t when it start but we just go trough then we get married.

We start with casual meeting, hangout with others, vacation and all. Never imagine that I start to feel different to him. On February 2016, we plant a short runway to Singapore. Just for weekend and that change everything. IMG_4037

After that we hangout just the two of us. Don’t know, but likes God create it. We’re be closer and closer. Then, about April 2016, he propose to me :O God I’m speechless. Not a romantic propose at all.

With all preparation for 6 months, we’d took knot at March. I still can’t believe it that I meet with him and brave to get that stage. IMG_1197IMG_1196

Well, I really want to share another story. Next, I’ll share about the preparation and my life after marriage. See you 🙂

Waisak Days 2558

img_20140517134349_53770525a64d9finally last year I attended Waisak ceremony  at Borobudur temple, yeeaahhh \(^_^)/

I remember that was the hectic day for preparing AsFA Conference and my research project. since that’s the last year on my collage I must go there and watch the ceremony. without any preparation, my friend kidnapped me.he said “let’s go Sro! it’s time to leave” I didn’t have any idea, “go? where we are going?” than he just answered. “we’ll go to Borobudur now, everyone just waited for us.”

I even didn’t back to my home to take a bath or change my clothes, so I borrowed his shirt hehehe. then we went there, thanks God there’s no distraction, just the rain. we entered park but there’s a problem, we can’t up to temple without invitation. oh please after the worst memory for last Waisak, should we miss again? NOOOOO!

luckily, one of my friend got the access card from committee. I think that God just give just the chance because that’s the last year we can go there together. so, welcome to holly temple. I saw a lot of pilgrim gathered and prayed. they praised to Buddha. then forreleased lanterns. such a beautiful scene, everyone released the lanterns and make the sky so beautiful.

that’s the end of Waisak Day 2558, although just the short time but it’ll be a beautiful memory for me with my frineds.

Baitullah, here I come!

what the biggest dream as Moslem when they alive? of course, visiting Baitullah, the place where Islam from. alhamdulillah last year I visited there with m

20140306_150527y family. I never imagine that I can go there very soon, especially with my father, mom and sister. and that was my first time going abroad hehehe 😛

a year we waited for the departure since booked. we stayed there for 9 days. I didn’t expect to much for that journey because I knew that’s a cheap program (red: promo) but I was wrong. we got a good services. we went to Jeddah by plane and for your information it’s Emirates. after 7 hours flight we arrived at Dubai for transit. arrived Jeddah we continued to Mekkah by bus.

3 days in Mekkah we done all the worship program such tawaf, sa’i and all. I can’t believe I entered Masjidil Haram saw Ka’bah in front of my eyes. I can’t hold my tears and just be grateful for everything that I get. such a wonderful experience I can go there. from Mekkah we went to Madinah and visited Nabawi, the greatest mosque in Madinah.

while there I visited a lot of memorial place about Islam. Rasullah’s garve, Kiblatain mosque, Jabal Nur, Jabal Rahman, Maqom Ibrahim, Raudoh, etc.

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9 days there was really amazing. I can’t believe it and I hope that I can go there again. I wish, really!

Asian Finance Association Annual Conference 2014

Last year I’d got a great experience to join as committee of international conference. My university as a member of Asian Finance Association (AsFA) became the host for Asian Finance Association Annual Conference 2014. That event held in Nusa Dua, Bali (we called it vacation not work :O).

When I finished my final proposal, my supervisor ask me to join this event. With other students we become student committee to help that event. Then we went to Nusa Dua, Bali for a week. The event held in Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC), located near beach with a beautiful view. Well, we worked so hard for the event but we’re treated very well.

feb_unsActually that’s my first international conference experience I ever join. I don’t know how to say it, that was a great and big experience for me. I stayed in hotel, had a good meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner), vacation, met with finance researcher around the world and all that thing was FREE. Can you imagine such a expensive experience but you get it for free? Alhamdulillah 🙂

The students went to Bali by bus and took 27.5 hours (very long journey). On the first day there we prepared the venue and all things about the event. The conference was opened with Welcome Dinner in Budaya Theater, Nusa Dua Beach Hotel. Everyone gathered and got welcoming greeting from committee. On Welcome Dinner I became LO for VIP Guest, Kose John, the master of finance. Like a dream that I met and discussed with the mighty finance master. We talked about my research, he even offered me LOA master degree. Next day, the parallel session of conference, 143 papers were presented by presenters. The presentation held for 3 days. On the last day of conference we attend the Gala Dinner in Bale Garden, Nusa Dua Beach Hotel. We enjoyed the night together in the edge of beach.

After a hectic even, the students got a day to vacation. We went to Pandawa beach and spend the day to shopping. I’ll miss that moment very much, because that’s the very pleasure moment on my last year in collage.

A New of Me

Helloooo oh my God it’s been a long long long time after my last post. I almost forget about my blog, that’s so terrible. How are you my blog? :O

There’re a lot of moments since my last post that I didn’t share. And now I’ve already open a new page of my life, a new stage about being adult (a lot of people said that). What’s that? Oh God should I write per chapter all the moment happened. Start from my last year in collage until present. Well, FYI I finished my bachelor degree and start the work.

Maybe I must begin my regular post again. It can be the way to improve my writer skill. OK, lets start now!

See you soon 🙂

Have You Feel It?

have you feel it? hurt and pain in your heart but without a reason.

maybe it is wrong and strange or maybe egoistic, but that’s what I feel. some people say it envy, really?

I don’t know, maybe yes hahahha but the weird is my feeling. am I really jealous? that’s still a question that I can’t answer.

sorry I just wanna post it 😛

envy can be a positive motivator, let it inspire you to work harder for what you want.” (Robert Bringle)


How Knows About Tomorrow

what will we be on the future? that’s a simple question but difficult to answer. we can’t answer even if we ask our self.

we just expect and dream about our future but God who will decide it, right?

it’s a simple story about people who get success in their life. they just an ordinary person in past but they do a lot of thing to change their life and exactly their life in their dream. and now they get their success.

so, that’s why we don’t know about our future. maybe it will be so different with our present. but we still get something good or proper if we still believe in our dream and never give up to do better.

Just A Little Time

pernah nggak kalian memikirkan waktu yang udah kalian lewati? how long did you spend and how much memory did you create together? sometimes we don’t realize about that and just realize when just a little time left.

yap, like I do now. saat waktu terasa tinggal sedikit kita sering berfikir udah berapa kita kenal atau menjalin hubungan dengan orang lain. and you think that’s too short. nggak tau kenapa jadi mikir hal itu. mungkin karena bakalan banyak orang yang dalam waktu dekat ini bakal berpisah untuk kepentingan mereka masing- masing.

simple aja sich sebenernya. paling deket adalah pisah dengan senior kita. like loose something gitu dech. bakalan kebiasain diri buat lebih dewasa pastinya karena selama ini tingkat ketergantungan aku dengan mereka itu tinggi 😦 semua kenangan yang pernah ada jadi pecah dan bakalan jadi moment yang rapi tersimpan.

lebih panjang lagi adalah waktu dengan temen- temen, well yang satu angkatan. di penghujung tingkat kuliah ini tiba-tiba terasa kalau tahun depan kita bakalan udah ada yang merasakan wisuda. artinya beberapa akan meninggalkan masa kuliahnya.

kalau membayangkan hal itu rasanya sedikit banget waktu yang kita lalui dengan teman dan sahabat kita. so, lets make a lot memories and  create smile when we can 🙂